Computer programming languages?

There are following multiple programming languages that allow programmers to process and execute small as well as large programs:

C Language: The language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie and its laboratories at AT & T Bells It was basically designed and developed for implementing the UNIX OS. It is a structured programming language.

C++: It was developed in 1983 and was an object-oriented version of the C programming language. C++ was developed for providing high-level abstractions so as to handle large development projects efficiently.

C#: It was developed in 1983, known as Objective-C by Apple. It was mainly created for addressing the lacking points of the object-oriented programming language. Later on, it was licensed by NeXt in 1988.

Python: It was developed in the late 1980s, which was an advanced programming language because it was object-oriented, interpreted, robust plus flexible.

Java: It was developed in 1990 at Sun Microsystems, and was originally known as Oak. It is a general-purpose and high-level programming language.

HTML: HyperText Markup Language was developed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee (a physicist) that enabled scientists to share documents in an online mode.

JavaScript: It was developed in 1995 at Netscape and was known as LiveScript. Later on, it was named JavaScript, which is a client-side programming language.

These are some of the primary computer programming languages. Besides these languages, there are many more programming languages such as PhpRubySwiftRScala, and many more.


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