programming language?

 1206: Al-Jazari, an Arab engineer, invented a programmable drum machine that was able to play several drum patterns and rhythms through pegs and cams.  Such a drum machine was a musical mechanical automaton.

  1801: The Jacquard loom that was invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard (a French weaver) was able to produce different weaves by changing the 'program'.

  In the 9th century, various code-breaking algorithms were also introduced.  An Arab mathematician Al-Kindi gave rise to an algorithm that was able to decipher the encrypted code.  The algorithm was known as the Cryptographic algorithm.

  1843: Ada Lovelace, a mathematician, published an algorithm for calculating a sequence of Bernoulli numbers.  The algorithm was carried out by the Analytical Engine that was given by Charles Babbage.  It was the year when the first computer program was dated.

  1880: Herman Hollerith, an American inventor, invented the idea and concept to store data in machine-readable form.  Later, a control panel was added, and the 1906 Type I tabulator was programmed for different job purposes.

  1940s: The unit record equipment, namely IBM 602 and IBM 604, became the first electronic computers that were programmed by the control panels.

  Earlier machine code was the well-known computer programming language through which the instructions were given in the binary notation to the computer.  Later on, Assembly language came into existence that enabled programmers to specify the instruction set in the form of text, each having a meaningful name for specifying the addresses.  With more development, high-level languages ​​were introduced that made the process of program development very easy, simple, and easy to understand.  Thus, various high-level languages ​​were developed from which FORTRAN was the first widely used language.  Later on, more languages ​​were developed, such as COBOL and Lisp.

  The late 1960s: As it was still the punch card era, computer programs were written using punch cards or paper tapes.  This year, it became possible to write computer programs directly on the computer via text editors, and data storage devices and computer terminals became inexpensive.


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